
CSW24 Study Tools

Here are links to online study resources to help you learn all sorts of words, from the 2s to the Qs and all sorts of hooks. Try not to ZZZ while reading them!!

CSW24 Initiation Kit

CSW24 Cheat Sheet

Special Dumps

The New 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s, each with a story to put the words in context

2 Letter Words With Hooks and Definitions

3 Letter Words With Definitions

4 Letter Words With Definitions

5 Letter Words With Definitions

6 Letter Words With Definitions

7 Letter Words With Definitions

Scrabble Websites / Resources

Here are links to some Scrabble-related websites. If you have any others you would like to see added to this list, please contact us on comments@irishscrabble.org and let us know!





Association of British Scrabble Players

Scrab Guys

Woogles – Online Scrabble Club

Internet Scrabble Club (ISC)


The Scrabble Players Handbook – a definitive and free! ebook on how to play Scrabble, written by a dozen of the best tournament players in the world.

Scrabble Rules

We adhere to the current WESPA rules which can be found on the WESPA Website