Waterford Scrabble Tournament - Woodlands Hotel

Irish Open Scrabble Tournament – September 2019

The 2019 Irish Open Scrabble tournament took place on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September in the Woodlands Hotel & Leisure Centre, Dunmore Road, Waterford.

It was an open format, with 14 games played over the two days, and was both ABSP and WESPA rated.

There was also a 3-game mini-tournament on Sunday afternoon for novice players, and we had 4 players for this.

The three top players all had 11 wins, and were separated only by spread. The overall winner was Feargal Weatherhead, with 11 wins and a spread of 1203. In second place was Kay McColgan, with 11 wins and a spread of 883, and in third place, was John Kennedy, with 11 wins and a spread of 230.

The prize for the B group went to Deirdre Eckbauer with 9 wins and a spread of 159, and the prize for the C group went to Ita Kearney with 8 wins and a spread of 160.

The David and Goliath prize went to Mary Morgan, who beat Feargal Weatherhead, and the high word prize went to Ed Miliano for CLEANISH, with a score of 167.

In the Sunday afternoon mini-tournament, Michelle Jackson won first place with 3 wins, and Mary Grehan came second with 1 win.

See all the stats for the weekend, and below are some pics from the event (no photos of the prize-giving unfortunately!)

Watching Ireland v Japan rugby match before game one

Ed Miliano and Theresa Scallan

Finbarr Long and Mary Doyle

Mary Morgan and Feargal Weatherhead

Drinks and cards at the end of day one