The 2019 Wexford Scrabble Tournament and AGM took place on Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June in Hotel Curracloe, Co. Wexford.
It was a grouped event with 14 games played over the two days. There was a very exciting finish in the A group, with Celine McCart taking first place with 12 wins and a spread of 680, Kay McColgan taking second place with 10 wins and a spread of 627 and Liam Donnelly taking third place with 10 wins and a spread of 498.
The B group saw Darius Bartlett winning first place with 11 wins and a very high spread of 1124, Anne Creaven coming second with 9 wins and a spread of 432 and Una Meehan coming third with 8 wins and a spread of 301.
The high word score went to Eileen Meghen, who scored 134 for ‘GLAZIEST’.
Well done to all. It was a great weekend of Scrabble, pool, cards, meal, walking on the beach, and a few new faces – always very welcome!
See all the stats for the event, and also a selection of photos below.